Forestry Commission England’s Plant Health Framework was established to create a national network of qualified arboriculturists with specialist knowledge of the pests and diseases threatening England’s woodlands. These experts will be called on to survey woodland that is potentially suffering from a threat, to confirm and identify the extent of any problem so that remedial action can be taken.

JP Associates is one of the select group of experts approved to survey in Cornwall, Devon and Gloucestershire.

As part of the programme, JP Associates’ arboricultural consultants have undergone training to receive the latest intelligence on such woodland terrorists as Ash dieback (Chalara dieback of ash) and the Emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis). This week, their training will focus on looming threats to the plane tree including Plane wilt (Ceratocystis platani).

Information on pest and disease threats to UK woodland

JPA has compiled a simple guide to the current pest and disease threats that tree owners and the general public in the UK need to be aware of. Just click here to read.

We have also created a roundup of the biggest potential threats which could reach our shores in the near future: click here.

If you suspect your trees are suffering from one of these ‘nasties’, please call us for advice on how to mitigate the issue.